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Alpin Weld

Non-destructive testing

Alpin Weld offers a comprehensive, one-stop solution for all your Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) needs.

Whether it’s an individual component or a complete work package requiring multiple NDT methods, our flexible technicians are ready to help. Equipped with expertise in Rope Access and confined spaces, our team can skillfully navigate any environment, ensuring we meet your specific needs efficiently.

Within the range of NDT services, we offer:
VT (Visual Inspection), PT (Dye Penetrant Inspection), MT (Magnetic Particle Inspection), Eddy Current Inspection, UT (Ultrasonic Inspection), UT-TOFD/PA (Time of Flight Diffraction and/or Phased Array).

Monopile WeldCheck Service

Alpin Weld specializes in advanced monopile weld testing, utilizing innovative linear techniques as well as the latest NDT methods - Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Phased Array (PA).

If we discover a flaw in the weld, our team is ready to carry out the necessary repairs immediately. We can present you on request examples of realisations, where the satisfaction of our clients confirmed the effectiveness of our methods.

Our service is a guarantee of quality and safety for your monopile. Trust us and join our satisfied customer’s list.

See our high performance for yourself!

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